In the latest twist in the ongoing battle to keep the hall open, Save Gosling have announced that GLL will not be issuing them with a licence to operate the hall from the 1st October 2019 as originally planned. The below statement has been released by Save Gosling group:
The latest decision from GLL is that there is no prospect of agreeing a licence by 1st October 2019 and they have deferred the issue of the license until 1st January 2020 at the earliest. On the positive side, GLL have guaranteed Users access to the building for the foreseeable future, with the current arrangements. On the negative side, they are suggesting that they will operate the building themselves rather than issue a license to Save Gosling. Save Gosling intend to challenge the proposal that GLL should operate the building and remain committed to agreeing a license from 1st Jan 2020.
You can follow the progress and help support the community group on the dedicated Facebook page here